Fast arrest thanks to TomTom WORK tracking system

A light-footed opportunist thief in Sheffield has just had his collar felt very quickly thanks to the tracking capability of TomTom WORK's Connected Navigation solution for fleet management companies.

The thief struck when the driver of the £30,000 Mercedes Sprinter van belonging to local company Dedicated Couriers left his vehicle for just a few seconds on Tuesday afternoon to get a delivery note signed and was able to make a clean getaway. What he did not know was that the dispatch could instantly locate the van, thanks to the WEBFLEET system. Thus, precise details of the van's position could be provided to the police, who have immediately alerted their helicopter. Within a very short time, they had tracked the stolen vehicle down to an area of Rotherham, an arrest was made and the van was recovered intact.

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Rosita Potere

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