Innovative real-time driving advice lets professional driver anticipate the road ahead

TomTom Telematics has launched its next generation of WEBFLEET OptiDrive incorporating predictive real-time driving advice to empower drivers to drive green and safe.

TomTom Telematics was the first to introduce direct feedback to professional drivers, using its TomTom Driver Terminals. The feedback on drive style, including harsh braking, speeding and cornering, has now been extended with predictive driving advice. OptiDrive 360 uses vehicle data and map data on the road ahead to advise business drivers when to release the gas or shift gear and what their optimum speed should be.

These innovations form part of OptiDrive 360’s complete approach for continuous driving improvement. It provides professional drivers and businesses management with the information to create a full improvement programme for learning, coaching while driving, post-trip evaluation and in-company comparison.

OptiDrive 360 marks a ground-breaking development that allows businesses to work more closely with their drivers in a bid to create lasting change to driving standards. said Thomas Schmidt, Managing Director TomTom Telematics. The innovation has been developed following years of detailed research conducted in cooperation with the EU ecoDriver Project.

Pre-trip, OptiDrive 360 provides motorists with best practice advice on how to drive safely and fuel-efficiently. Direct feedback and driving advice is offered during the trip to actively coach the driver. After the trip a snapshot analysis is available to review the trip statistics. All information is displayed via the driver terminal.

WEBFLEET provides managers with dashboards that allow them to easily highlight trends in driving behaviour. A series of in-depth reports then enables them to drill deeper for greater analysis and to compare the whole fleet.

OptiDrive 360 scores drivers based on a total of eight performance indicators – speeding, driving events, idling, fuel consumption, green speed, coasting (release gas while in gear), gear shifting and constant speed – which can be used as the basis for performance reviews, training and driver benchmarking.

Contacto de imprensa

Annika Schaich

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