datafactory AG and PROFEX COURIERSYSTEM GmbH reached an agreement.

In October 2005 datafactory AG and PROFEX COURIERSYSTEM GmbH have reached an agreement. PROFEX COURIERSYSTEM partners can now purchase the GPS/GSM/GPRS telematcs black box fleetec.4 together with PDA's and the software fleetec.PDAlink at specific conditions.

With PROFEX COURIERSYSTEM datafactory AG won over one of the European market leading providers of time-critical shipments. At more than 30 locations with numerous business partners in Germany, Spain, France, Italy, Great Britain, Switzerland, Austria and Poland forming an extensive network, the company has access to more than 1000 vehicles. PROFEX COURIERSYSTEM founded in September 2001 in Vaihingen (Germany) already had in 2004 a turnover of approx. 51 million EUR.

The courier business partners of PROFEX COURIERSYSTEM optimise their job order management, route planning and communication with the system from datafactory. At present 12 PROFEX COURIERSYSTEM partners are being equipped with the products from datafactory. Together with the internet based fleet management service WEBfleet from datafactory, each business partner can use the solution easily.

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Annika Schaich

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