Human resources manager

Streamline your workflow

Human resources manager

Streamline your workflow

Webfleet, Europe's #1 fleet management solution, gives you the tools to simplify your fleet's human resources needs. Optimise business performance while meeting customer demands in today's fast-paced fleet industry.

What's important to you as a human resources manager?

Data clarity

Get real-time visibility over your human resources data with our workflow management solutions for fleets. Track your drivers' activities and workflow processes from one dashboard. Know which vehicles have been allocated and which are still available. With a workforce overview at your fingertips, you can quickly spot and address employee challenges.

Dashboard - KPIs at a glance
trip reports daily summary

Easy, accurate paperwork

Whether it's vehicle mileage regis­tration, driver identi­fic­ation or tachograph compliance, Webfleet securely digitises and stores your documents in one accessible place. Reduce human error with less complexity, saving time and costs on submission processes. Stay on top of company policies, along with labour, tax and compliance regulations.

Driver well-being

When managing human resources for fleets, recruiting and retaining drivers can be difficult. Webfleet helps you ensure your current roster of drivers is happy and engaged. By monitoring driving behaviour, for instance, you can provide better coaching on safety behind the wheel. Driving time and social infringement will show whether your drivers are taking enough breaks.

TRUCKER 02 wide EU
Reporting - Get insights

Simplified financials

Webfleet takes the hassle out of trip admin­is­tration. Avoid paperwork redund­ancies and get an accurate view from driver mileage, business and private trips regis­tration. Ensure smooth collab­or­ation on tasks shared with your financial and admin­is­trative teams, with user-friendly reports for financial, tax and reimbursement purposes.

Fuel account­ab­ility

As a human resources manager, you want to get insight into your fleet's fuel consumption and to help your business keep fuel costs under control. Analyse fuel consumption patterns, noting any irreg­u­lar­ities. With all the fleet's fuel data at your fingertips, you can quickly identify where improve­ments can be made and take action to lower your costs.

fuel over time
fleet manager cau 01

Envir­on­mental respons­ib­ility

Contribute to your company's sustain­ab­ility mission. Pull up your fleet's fuel efficiency data to see where the business could cut fuel waste. With OptiDrive 360, you can support drivers on improving their eco-driving skills, from speed and idling to braking and coasting.

How can we help you as a human resources manager?

Gain visibility over team and workflow needs

Prevent paperwork mistakes with digital document­ation

Make it easier to support driver retention and well-being

Simplify calcu­la­tions for driver salaries and expenses

Access historical and real-time reports on fuel usage

Reach your sustain­ab­ility goals with greener driving

Check out our human resources features for fleets in more detail

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See how Webfleet can help your business.

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