Service intervals are the frequency in which you should service a vehicle. Vehicle maintenance is essential for the longevity and overall health of a vehicle. It helps reduce downtime and costs by identifying current or potential problems or risks of issues arising.
Regular service intervals ensure the validity of any warranty, while also getting the best value if you decide to sell or exchange in the future.
In short, they are essential for properly maintaining your vehicles in good condition, keeping your vehicles on the road and maximizing the lifetime of your vehicles.
What are the benefits of service intervals?
There are three main benefits for scheduling regular service intervals: protection, efficiency and safety. Service intervals are designed to achieve specific standards for each vehicle.
Different maintenance tasks help keep your vehicle operating efficiently. For example, if the fuel system gets clogged with varnish, the fuel is not flowing efficiently, therefore, reducing fuel economy. It’s important to service your vehicle to restore the efficiency, increase gas mileage and reduce fuel costs.
Regular service intervals protect your vehicle from deterioration. For example, motor oil helps clean the engine and provides corrosion resistance, but over-time it combines with water, dirt and combustion gasses. It turns to sludge which can clog the engine and be very costly to fix. Regular service intervals ensure the vehicle is operating with full protection of the engine with fresh motor oil.
Maintaining the safety of a vehicle is always a concern. Take brakes, for example, one of the most critical safety systems in a vehicle. Brakes should have regular service intervals for inspections to prevent accidents.
How regular should your service intervals be?
Service intervals vary from vehicle to vehicle, but generally, you should follow the manufacturer manual, warranty, or consult with a mechanic for any vehicle. If your car is not under warranty, then you should make the executive decision on how often your vehicle service interval should be.
Some vehicles and software systems offer self-diagnostic features which will notify you when service is due.
Service interval software
Inspecting each vehicle manually across your fleet is time-consuming. A fleet management solution like Webfleet takes care of service intervals for you by automatically notifying you when service is due. It gives you the tools to monitor the service requirements of each vehicle so that you always stay informed on your fleet’s condition.
A fleet management solution like Webfleet helps you maintain a fit fleet and keep your costs down by effectively scheduling maintenance tasks before the risk of problems emerge.
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