A Driver Vehicle Inspection Report (DVIR) is an official record verifying that a driver has completed a full inspection of a commercial vehicle. A DVIR must be completed at the beginning of the day (pre-trip) and end of the day (post-trip) for each day the vehicle is in use.
During these inspections, a driver will record any mechanical defects found on the vehicle. DVIRs help ensure the vehicle is in good condition and promote road safety.
What is the DVIR checklist?
The FMCSA created a DVIR checklist under regulation 49 CFR §396.11. Some of the most essential elements of this Driver Vehicle Inspection Report checklist include:
- Steering mechanism
- Brakes and air system
- Wheels, tyres, rims and lugs
- Reflectors and lights
- Rear-view mirrors
- Windshield wipers
- Safety and emergency equipment
- Coupling equipment and fifth wheels
- Doors and seat belts
- Horn and speedometer
How do you complete a fast DVIR?
During an inspection, a driver must go around the vehicle checking every single item on the list to ensure compliance. If you use a paper form for this process, it will not only take longer for your driver to fill out but also for your fleet managers to access the information when required. Also, the Driver Vehicle Inspection Report must be kept for three months from the date of submission. That adds up to a lot of paperwork to sort and store in your office.
Electronic Driver Vehicle Inspection Reports help to expedite the process, making the submission of information very intuitive and fast for the driver, allowing them to include visuals to support and record their findings. Additionally, they allow fleet managers to receive real-time inspections, keep updated on a vehicle’s health, and ensure the fleet on the road is compliant.
With Webfleet, you can comply with FMCSA regulations and have full visibility over the status of your vehicles and the problems that may need immediate attention. This allows you to be proactive with preventative maintenance.
If you want more information on how Webfleet can make your operations easier, get in touch with one of our experts today and request a free demo.
Why is DVIR necessary?
The main purpose of a Driver Vehicle Inspection Report is to detect and repair vehicle malfunctions. It ensures that full inspections are done on a daily basis and that fleet maintenance is done in a timely fashion. That makes DVIRs fundamental to road safety.
What are penalties and risks?
DVIRs are legally required in the US, and as mentioned above, should be reserved for three months from the submission date. A non-compliant vehicle may mean a fine for the business that owns it but that is not the only potential consequence. Vehicles that are considered to be unsafe by a Department of Transportation officer can be removed from the road immediately until a repair is completed.
- A maximum civil penalty of $1,292 a day for failing to complete a Driver Vehicle Inspection Report
- A maximum civil penalty of $12,919 for knowingly falsifying, destroying or changing records
- A civil penalty not exceeding $15,691 for each non-recordkeeping violation
Penalty outlays are under the Department of Transportation officer’s discretion. For further information please read here

Make daily vehicle inspections easy

Need a simple, standardised way to do your daily vehicle inspections? Download this free printable checklist, which includes all the required fields for your internal and external cab checks, with a section to report defects.
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