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Caring For Cyclists On The Road

The number of cyclists on Britain’s roads, particularly those in Greater London, are increasing at an unprecedented rate. With greater levels of traffic comes an increased level of risk to those using the roads and cyclists are especially vulnerable. We’ve spoken previously about how to help your fleet drive more safely but here we talk specifically about how to do this in the context of cyclists on the road.

Many fleet managers and business owners run fleets that include HGVs and, despite making up just 5% of the total traffic on roads, these are involved in half of all cyclist fatalities. These increasing levels of risk invariably result in higher insurance premiums, driving the cost of fleet management up for businesses.

The following infographic reveals some of the more concerning statistics but also provides a set of practical hints and tips that will help fleet managers to educate and equip their fleet with the necessary measures to ensure the levels of risk are as low as possible. These will help drive down insurance premiums, increase efficiency and save lives.

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