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How do European transport companies meet the demands of tachograph regulation?

While it’s essential for European transport companies to stay compliant with tachograph regulation, it’s equally important that meeting these demands does not get in the way of your core business.

The traditional method of manually downloading tachograph data via USB or dongle before carrying the information back to an office is a continuous source of frustration for many transport companies.

Vehicles regularly have to diverge from their routes or take long breaks during potential work hours to ensure legislation is being satisfied, while extra manpower is needed to manage and analyse the data.

Plus, there’s the extra fuel cost and mileage that are incurred throughout this process.

We recently conducted a survey among 1200 fleet decision makers from transport companies across Europe to find out how they manage the tachograph issue effectively.

And yet 18% of transport companies across Europe still rely on manual downloads. As we can see, manual downloading is a costly activity in terms of man-hours.

Around 40% of respondents dedicate up to 30 minutes a month per vehicle to this activity while another 18% spend as much as an hour on the task. When one applies this to a fleet of 50 or 100 vehicles, the negative impact on productivity becomes clear.



  How do you mainly download tachograph data?

Remote download with telematics box 30%

Remote download with dedicated hardware 34%

Manual download 18%

Other way 18%


How much time per month, on average, is spent on manually downloading tachograph data for each vehicle? 

1-15 minutes 28%

16-30 minutes 40%

31-60 minutes 18%

61+ minutes 11%

Don’t know 3%


Even for businesses downloading remotely, keeping up with tachograph regulation can prove costly, stressful and disruptive.

Amongst European transport companies in the last 12 months:

  • 52% have had their offices inspected for drivers’ hours compliance
  • 43% have been subject to roadside inspections 1-5 times
  • 41% have cancelled 1-10 jobs due to not having visibility of remaining drivers’ hours for the day

And 50% believe it’s difficult to get the data they need on driver availability for planning purposes.


How a fleet management solution helps tackle tachograph regulation

A fleet management solution like Webfleet helps to reduce the impact of infringements and fines by documenting all required information, minimises administrative hassle with remote downloading and makes inspections easy by keeping all your records in one archive.

Want to find out more? Then get a free consultation with one of our tachograph experts now.

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