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The importance of tachograph analysis and how to make downloads easier

Tachograph analysis is key in helping fleet managers stay compliant with tachograph regulations and drivers’ hours. But keeping up with your duty to record tachograph data can be stressful and time consuming. When done manually, it can easily distract from core business. So how can fleet managers simplify things?

First things first: tachograph analysis basics

What is tachograph analysis software?

Tachograph analysis software helps fleet managers download, store and analyse tachograph data. The software can analyse data from vehicles and driver cards to ensure regulations have been complied with.

When handled manually, dealing with such vast volumes of data can add a lot of time and effort in administration tasks. That’s why tachograph analysis software can be a huge help when it comes to interpreting the data and reducing the risk of fines or penalties. By automating data downloads and tachograph analysis, you’ll have more time to focus on what matters most.

Why is tachograph analysis important?

Tachograph analysisis important because it gives clear insights to ensure compliance with tachograph regulations and drivers’ hours.

Digital tachograph analysis can help make interpreting tachograph data much easier by providing detailed reports and sending alerts about social infringements like exceeded driving hours, missing rest times and insufficient breaks.

Tachograph analysis services and software solutions can save hours of time in manual processing and help you avoid hefty fines.

What are the benefits of digital tachograph analysis vs. analogue tachograph analysis?

Many older vehicles still use analogue tachographs, where drivers need to manually keep track of their breaks and driving times. The main benefit is that driving data can be read directly from the tachograph chart. To make analogue tachograph analysis easier, these charts can be electronically scanned for computer analysis. However, a chart may have physical marks that could result in an incorrect reading, so a skilled set of eyes is needed to further interpret the data.

A big advantage of digital tachograph analysis means that the tachograph data is more precise when downloaded digitally. Any potential driving infringements can be instantly detected by digital tachograph software. And thanks to digital encryption, the data is secure and can’t be changed or deleted by the driver. Advanced analysis tools can remotely download and store data and present a clear overview of insights on reporting dashboards.

Introducing Webfleet Tachograph Manager

At Webfleet, we make thing s simple for you. Our solution gives you the support you need to stay compliant with EU driver regulations in an efficient way.

With a solution like Tachograph Manager, you no longer need to manually record the data. It automatically downloads driver/vehicle card information for you. Not only will you remain compliant with driver hours regulations, but you’ll also maximise productivity with automated tachograph data downloads. Plus, it can make inspections a little less stressful.

So, what does Tachograph Manager actually give you?

1. An automated end-to-end process

No more manual downloads. Save time and money to focus on core business.

2. Flexibility with remote downloads

Download from anywhere. The driver doesn’t need to bring the vehicle to a specific location for you to download the tachograph data, so there’s less disruption to your schedule.

3. A reliable IT solution

We manage your data in a secure and safe centre. It’s stored in compliance with GDPR, so you and your employee’s privacy are protected.

4. Clear analysis

Prove compliance with a variety of in-depth reports. Get insights into social infringement and when to correct actions.

5. Manage deadlines

Keep track of Driver Card expiration dates, download deadlines and other customisable reminders to reduce the risk of penalties and fines.

6. Remaining driving times

Tachograph Manager Plus gives access to live digital tachograph information and calculates the RDTs of each driver. Optimise dispatch and scheduling in real-time.

7. Daily tachograph data downloads

With Tachograph Manager Plus, get instant access to data when needed, be it for a monthly salary calculation or a driver’s last day.

Download tachograph data automatically

A fleet management solution like Tachograph Manager helps you automatically download tachograph data, stay compliant, reduce administration load and increase productivity. Want a powerful tachograph analysis solution and improved tachograph downloads? Find out more here.

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