Privacy policy

The protection of your personal data is important to us. We therefore process your personal data ("data") exclusively according to EU legal regulations. With this privacy policy we would like to inform you about the processing of your data in our organi­zation and the data protection claims and rights to which you are entitled to in accordance with Art. 13 of the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

  1. Who is responsible for data processing and who can you contact?

    Data Controller

    Bridgestone Mobility Solutions B.V.
    Beethovenstraat 503, 1083 HK
    Amsterdam, Netherlands
    +31 20 808 0758

    Data Protection Officer

    Bridgestone Mobility Solutions B.V
    C/O Legal Department
    Beethovenstraat 503, 1083 HK
    Amsterdam, Netherlands

    If you are a government body or law enforcement authority

    Bridgestone Mobility Solutions B.V
    C/O Legal Department
    Beethovenstraat 503, 1083 HK
    Amsterdam, Netherlands
  2. Personal data processing

    For what purposes and on what legal basis is the data processed?

    We process your data in accordance with applicable data protection laws including but not limited to the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), UK GDPR, and the Swiss Data Protection Act.

    For the fulfillment of (pre)contractual obligations (GDPR, Art. 6(1)(b)):

    The processing of your data is carried out for contract processing when initiating business and when entering into contracts with you.

    To meet contractual obligations (GDPR, Art. 6(1)(b)):

    Webfleet Platform

    If your vehicle is configured to connect to Webfleet services, it will collect information for the purposes of the Webfleet service, while the vehicle is in use in association with other equipment installed in the vehicle.

    The following information is contin­u­ously collected: vehicle location, g-force/accel­er­ation data, and engine-re­lated data such as fuel consumption, valve positions, engine speed, and odometer reading. What information is collected specif­i­cally depends on the equipment installed in the vehicle.

    The contract owner decides the purposes for which this information is subse­quently used, who will have access to it, and for how long the information is kept. Please contact the contract owner for any additional information. Generally, this will be the owner or lessee of the vehicle.

    Webfleet uses Mixpanel software to collect information about how you use the Webfleet software, sites, and appli­ca­tions. The usage information that Webfleet collects could contain location information, but not any information that you have entered or uploaded. Webfleet has entered into a contract with Mixpanel that limits your information for use only by Webfleet and not by Mixpanel for any other purpose, such as advertising.

    Webfleet Mobile Appli­ca­tions: Webfleet Mobile, Webfleet Logbook, Webfleet Vehicle Check and Webfleet Work App (Apps)

    To use the Apps, a Webfleet LINK device needs to be present and active in your vehicle. The Webfleet LINK device contin­u­ously collects data from the vehicle to create reports and feedback on your trips, driving behavior and the vehicle’s technical state. This vehicle data is combined with position information from the GPS sensor in the Webfleet LINK device and a timestamp, so all events and reporting can be matched with a location and time. To provide you with this feedback, the information is sent to Webfleet servers, using the data connection provided in the Webfleet LINK device. The data is stored at Webfleet related to an account under the control of the fleet manager. Your company's (or your employer's) fleet manager is the organi­zation supporting your use of the vehicle or is the owner of the vehicle and can typically be (part of) a fleet management company, a leasing or rental company, or a car importer, dealer, or manufac­turer.

    Webfleet Mobile Appli­ca­tions use Mixpanel software to collect information about how you use the Webfleet software, sites, and appli­ca­tions. The usage information that Webfleet collects could contain location information, but not any information that you have entered or uploaded. Webfleet has entered into a contract with Mixpanel that limits your information for use only by Webfleet and not by Mixpanel for any other purpose, such as advertising.

    The Apps contin­u­ously send data to and retrieve data from the Webfleet servers if you allow them to use your smartphone's internet connection. The Apps will report and display the collected data in a graphical user interface on your smartphone.

    Information collected by the Webfleet LINK device and the Apps

    Your Webfleet LINK device and the Apps will collect the following information:

    • Date, time, and location.
    • Information that identifies you, your vehicle, your device, and your smartphone.
    • Information related to your vehicle and how you drive it, such as start/stop, odometer, idling time, RPM, speed and speed distri­b­ution, distance driven, braking, cornering, accel­er­ation, battery levels and status, engine load, engine throttle levels, cruise control usage, coasting, fuel consumption, fuel level, maintenance needs and technical status messages issued by the vehicle's internal diagnostic systems.
    • Information for diagnostic purposes, such as software versions, device types, power disconnects, and error logs.
    • Information such as location and vehicle heading that can be used in the event of an accident or a theft.

    How your data is used

    The fleet manager has decided the various purposes for which the data collected from your vehicle and the Apps will be used, who will have access to it, and for how long the information is kept. Please refer to the relevant information provided to you by your fleet manager.

    Other drivers of your vehicle

    If you share your vehicle equipped with a Webfleet LINK device with other drivers, you are responsible for informing these drivers that driving and vehicle data is collected from the vehicle and that you and the fleet manager have access to reports about the information.

    Information only available on your smartphone

    The Webfleet LINK device sends additional information to your smartphone while the Apps are running, for example a detailed real-time flow of parameters read from your vehicle, including speed, engine rpm, engine temperature, engine load, tank fuel level, and more, so this information can be displayed in the Apps. This detailed information is not stored on the smartphone.

    Your Apps account

    You will receive user credentials for the Apps from the fleet manager. Webfleet advises you to do the following:

    • Change your password when you log in for the first time.
    • Keep your account details confi­dential
    • Use secure and unique passwords that you do not use elsewhere

    Your account is used to give you access to the data stored on the Webfleet servers. The information is kept with your account as long as this account exists or for as long as the fleet manager decides to keep it.

    When data is uploaded to our servers

    The Webfleet LINK device automat­i­cally uploads the collected data to Webfleet. This will happen frequently, typically every minute.

    Uses of your location

    Specific location privacy control settings are available to you in the Apps to allow you to enable or disable various uses of location data. Please consult with your fleet manager for specific information on this.

    You should be aware that while you are using your smartphone it might run operating system software or other apps, or use commu­ni­cation networks that collect, transmit, or store personal and location information. Webfleet has no control over this. For more details, refer to the information and settings provided by your wireless carrier and the vendors of your system and apps.

    To comply with legal obligations (GDPR, Art. 6 (1)(c)):

    The processing of your data is necessary for the purpose of complying with various legal obligations, e.g., applicable Commercial or Tax Code.

    To safeguard legitimate interests (GDPR, Art. 6 (1)(f)):

    Based on a balancing of interests, data may be processed for purposes beyond the actual performance of the contract in order to protect our legitimate interests or those of third parties. Data processing to safeguard legitimate interests takes place, for example, in the following cases:

    • Measures for business management and further development of services and products;
    • Maintaining a compa­ny-wide customer database to improve customer service; and
    • in the context of legal prosecution

    Emailing us

    When you use email to communicate with Webfleet and its staff using an email address, you will exchange personal data. This includes the email addresses used, the content of the messages you send or receive, and metadata related to the email exchange. Webfleet retains email data as long as the email box exists that is associated with the email address. Our staff will sometimes retain email exchanges or parts thereof for record keeping or archiving purposes. Webfleet deletes the email box of a Webfleet staff member within three months after termination of employment. Webfleet staff can also delete individual email messages in their email box. Separate from this, Webfleet retains a copy of all email messages for the purpose of bringing, pursuing or defending legal claims for at least 15 years.

    Calling us

    When you call Webfleet, we will sometimes record the conver­sation either for staff education and instruction purposes, or to record details related to sales trans­ac­tions. In cases where we record calls, you will be notified in advance, and you will be offered the option of opting out. However, if you opt out, depending on circum­stances, we may not be able to serve you. We will explain that to you in those applicable circum­stances. Webfleet keeps recordings for a maximum period of three months for instruction purposes. We keep recordings that relate to sales trans­ac­tions for a period of up to ten years.

    Visiting us

    When you visit Webfleet, we will ask you to provide in our electronic visitor management system your contact information, such as your name, the company, or organi­zation you represent, an email address, and who you are visiting within Webfleet. We will use the information you provide only in the context of your visit, which includes security and safety purposes. Visitor and visit data are deleted three months after your visit.

    Within the scope of your consent (Art. 6 para. 1 (a) GDPR):

    If you have given us your consent to process your data, e.g., to send you our newsletters or promotional materials.

    Who receives my data?

    If we use a service provider for subpro­cessing, we remain responsible for protecting your data. All processors are contrac­tually required to process your data confi­den­tially and to process it only within the scope of providing the service. The processors we have hired will receive your data if they require the data to provide their respective services. These are, for example, IT service providers that we require to operate and secure our IT system.

    Your data is processed in our customer database. The customer database helps to improve the quality of of the existing customer data (duplicate cleansing, address correction, etc.).

    If there is a legal obligation and in the context of legal prosecution, authorities, and courts, as well as external auditors, may receive your data.

    Third-party services privacy information is listed below in the Annex.

    How long will my data be stored?

    We store your data until the end of the business relationship or until the expiration of the applicable statutory retention periods (e.g., applicable Commercial Code, Tax Code, or Working Hours Regulations); we also store your data until the end of any legal dispute in which the data is required as evidence.

    Is personal data transferred to third countries?

    In principle, we do not transfer any data to third countries. In specific cases, data is only transferred based on an adequacy decision by the European Commission, standard contractual clauses, suitable guarantees, or your express consent.

  3. What data protection rights do I have?

    You have the rights of information, correction, deletion and restriction of the processing of your stored data, a right to object to the processing, as well as a right to data portability, and to make complaints in accordance with the require­ments of data protection law at any time.

    Right of access

    You can request information from us as to whether and to what extent we process your data.

    Right of recti­fi­cation

    You have the right to request that we correct or update your data if we process it incorrectly or in an incomplete manner.

    Right to be forgotten

    You have the right to request that we erase your data if we use it unlawfully, or if the use excessively infringes on your legitimate interests. Please be aware that there may be factors that delay immediate erasure, such as legal require­ments for storage. Regardless of your exercise of your right to erasure, we will erase your data promptly and fully, unless we are legally required to store it. To ensure your right to be forgotten can be persistent, we will continue to process a key identifier such as an email address.

    Right to restriction of processing

    You have the right to request that we limit the processing of your data if

    • you dispute the accuracy of the data for a period that allows us to check that it is accurate.
    • the processing of the data is unlawful, but you refuse to have it deleted, and instead request a restriction on the use of the data,
    • we no longer need the data for the intended purpose, but you still need the data to assert or defend legal claims, or
    • you have objected to the processing of the data.

    Right to data portability

    You have the right to request that we provide you with your data that you have provided to us in a structured, common, machine-readable format, and that you may transfer such data to another responsible party without hindrance from us, provided that we process this data on the basis of consent given by you that may be withdrawn, or to perform a contract between us, and this processing is done using automated procedures. If technically feasible, you can request that we transfer your data directly to another responsible person.

    Right to object

    You have the right to object to data processing at any time, if we process your data based on legitimate interest; this would also apply to profiling based on these provisions. We will then no longer process your data, unless we can prove compelling reasons for processing worthy of protection that outweigh your interests, rights, and freedoms, or the processing serves to assert, pursue or defend legal claims. You may object to the processing of your data for the purpose of direct marketing at any time without giving reasons.

    Right to submit a complaint to a supervisory authority

    You have the right to submit a complaint if you believe that we are processing your data in violation of applicable data protection laws, in which case we request that you contact us via the contact information in this policy so that we can answer any questions. Of course, you also have the right to contact the supervisory authority having juris­diction over you, which is the relevant state office for data protection supervision. If you wish to assert any of the above rights against us, please contact our data protection officer. In case of doubt, we may request additional information to confirm your identity.

    Right to withdraw consent

    If we process your data based on consent, you can withdraw this consent at any time without affecting the lawfulness of processing based on consent before it is withdrawn.

  4. Changes to this privacy policy

    We reserve the right to change our privacy policy if this becomes necessary due to new technologies. The latest version will always be available on this page.

  5. Annex I: Third-Party services privacy information:

    Third-PartyServiceType/Scope of processingPurpose/Legal BasisStorage Duration
    MicrosoftBing Ad Conversion Tracking

    We have integrated Microsoft Advertising on our website. Microsoft Advertising is a service provided by Microsoft Corporation to display targeted advertising to users. Microsoft Advertising uses cookies and other browser technologies to evaluate user behavior and recognize users.

    Microsoft Advertising collects information about visitor behavior on various websites. This information is used to optimize the relevance of advertising. Furthermore, Microsoft Advertising delivers targeted advertising based on behavioral profiles and geographical location. Your IP address and other identi­fi­cation features such as your user agent are transmitted to the provider.

    In this case, your data will be forwarded to the operator of Microsoft Advertising, Microsoft Corporation, One Microsoft Way Redmond, WA 98052-6399, United States.

    The use of Microsoft Advertising is based on your consent in accordance with GDPR, Art. 6 (1)(a)

    We intend to transfer personal data to third countries outside the European Economic Area, partic­u­larly the USA. The data transfer to the USA is carried out in accordance with GDPR Art. 45 para. (1) based on the adequacy decision of the European Commission. The US companies involved and/or their US subcon­tractors are certified in accordance with the EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework (EU-U.S. DPF).

    In cases where no adequacy decision of the European Commission exists (including US companies that are not certified under the EU-U.S. DPF), we have agreed to other appropriate safeguards with the recipients of the data within the meaning of GDPR, Art. 44 et seq. Unless otherwise stated, these are standard contractual clauses of the EU Commission in accordance with Imple­menting Decision (EU) 2021/914 of June 4, 2021. You can view a copy of these standard contractual clauses at Standard Contractual Clauses (SCC) - European Commission (

    In addition, before such a third country transfer, we will obtain your consent in accordance with GDPR, Art. 49 (1)(a) sentence 1, which you will give via the consent in the Consent Manager (or other forms, regis­tra­tions, etc.). We would like to point out that in the case of third country transfers, there may be risks for which the details are unknown (e.g., data processing by security authorities in the third country, the exact scope and conse­quences of which for you we do not know, over which we have no control, and of which you may not become aware).

    The specific storage period applicable to the processed data is determined by the Microsoft Corporation and is not within our control.

    Further information can be found in the Microsoft Advertising privacy policy: Microsoft Privacy Statement – Microsoft privacy.

    MicrosoftMicrosoft Clarity

    We have integrated Clarity on our website. Clarity is a service of Microsoft Corporation and offers optimization tools that analyze the behavior and feedback of users of our website through analysis and feedback tools.

    Clarity uses cookies and other browser technologies to evaluate user behavior and recognize users.

    This information is used, among other things, to compile reports on website activity and to statis­ti­cally analyze visitor data. Furthermore, Clarity records clicks, mouse movements, and scroll heights to create heat maps and session replays.

    In this case, your data is provided to the operator of Clarity, Microsoft Corporation, One Microsoft Way Redmond, WA 98052-6399, United States.

    The use of Clarity is based on your consent in accordance with GDPR, Art. 6 (1) (a).

    We intend to transfer personal data to third countries outside the European Economic Area, in particular the USA. The data transfer to the USA is carried out in accordance with GDPR, Art. 45 (1) based on the adequacy decision of the European Commission. The US companies involved and/or their US subcon­tractors are certified in accordance with the EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework (EU-U.S. DPF).

    In cases where no adequacy decision of the European Commission exists (including US companies that are not certified under the EU-U.S. DPF), we have agreed to other appropriate safeguards with the recipients of the data within the meaning of GDPR, Art. 44 et seq. Unless otherwise stated, these are standard contractual clauses of the EU Commission in accordance with Imple­menting Decision (EU) 2021/914 of June 4, 2021. You can view a copy of these standard contractual clauses at Standard Contractual Clauses (SCC) - European Commission (

    In addition, before such a third country transfer, we obtain your consent in accordance with Art. 49 para. 1 sentence 1 lit. a. GDPR, which you give via the consent of the Consent Manager (or other forms, regis­tra­tions, etc.). We would like to point out that in the case of third country transfers, there may be risks for which the details are unknown (e.g., data processing by security authorities in the third country, the exact scope and conse­quences of which for you we do not know, over which we have no control, and of which you may not become aware).

    The specific storage period applicable to the processed data is determined by the Microsoft Corporation and is not within our control.

    Further information can be found in the privacy policy for Clarity: Microsoft Privacy Statement – Microsoft privacy.

    CloudinaryCloudinary CDN

    We use Cloudinary CDN to properly deliver the content of our website. Cloudinary CDN is a service of Cloudinary Ltd. which acts as a content delivery network (CDN) on our website.

    A CDN helps to make the content of our online offering, in particular files such as graphics or scripts, available more quickly with the help of regionally or inter­na­tionally distributed servers. When you access this content, you establish a connection to the servers of Cloudinary Ltd, 38 Chancery Lane, The Cursitor Building, London WC2A 1EN, United Kingdom, whereby your IP address and possibly browser data such as your user agent are transmitted. This data is processed exclusively for the above-­men­tioned purposes and to maintain the security and function­ality of Cloudinary CDN.

    The use of the Content Delivery Network is based on our legitimate interests, i.e., interest in the secure and efficient provision and optimization of our online offer in accordance with Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f. GDPR.

    The specific storage period applicable to the processed data is determined by Cloudinary Ltd and is not within our control. Further information can be found in the privacy policy for Cloudinary CDN:

    GoogleGoogle Analytics

    We use Google Analytics from Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland, as an analysis service for the statistical evaluation of our online offering. This includes, for example, the number of visits to our website, subpages visited, and the time spent by visitors.

    Google Analytics uses cookies and other browser technologies to evaluate user behavior and recognize users.

    This information is used, among other things, to compile reports on website activity.

    The use of Google Analytics is based on your consent in accordance with Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a. GDPR.

    We intend to transfer personal data to third countries outside the European Economic Area, in particular the USA. The data transfer to the USA is carried out in accordance with Art. 45 para. 1 GDPR based on the adequacy decision of the European Commission. The US companies involved and/or their US subcon­tractors are certified in accordance with the EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework (EU-U.S. DPF).

    In cases where no adequacy decision of the European Commission exists (including US companies that are not certified under the EU-U.S. DPF), we have agreed to other appropriate safeguards with the recipients of the data within the meaning of Art. 44 et seq. GDPR have been agreed. Unless otherwise stated, these are standard contractual clauses of the EU Commission in accordance with Imple­menting Decision (EU) 2021/914 of June 4, 2021. You can view a copy of these standard contractual clauses at Standard Contractual Clauses (SCC) - European Commission (

    In addition, before such a third country transfer, we will obtain your consent in accordance with GDPR, Art. 49 (1)(a), which you will give via the consent in the Consent Manager (or other forms, regis­tra­tions, etc.). We would like to point out that in the case of third country transfers, there may be risks for which the details are unknown (e.g., data processing by security authorities in the third country, the exact scope and conse­quences of which for you we do not know, over which we have no control, and of which you may not become aware).

    The specific storage period applicable to the processed data is determined Google Ireland Limited and is not within our control. Further information can be found in the Google Analytics privacy policy:

    GoogleGoogle Tag Manager

    We use Google Tag Manager by Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland. Google Tag Manager is used to manage website tags via an interface and enables us to control the precise integration of services on our website.

    This allows us to flexibly integrate additional services to evaluate user access to our website.

    The use of Google Tag Manager is based on your consent in accordance with GDPR, Art. 6 (1) (a).

    We intend to transfer personal data to third countries outside the European Economic Area, partic­u­larly the USA. The data transfer to the USA is carried out in accordance with GDPR, Art. 45 (1) based on the adequacy decision of the European Commission. The US companies involved and/or their US subcon­tractors are certified in accordance with the EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework (EU-U.S. DPF).

    In cases where no adequacy decision of the European Commission exists (including US companies that are not certified under the EU-U.S. DPF), we have agreed to other appropriate safeguards with the recipients of the data within the meaning of GDPR, Art. 44 et seq. Unless otherwise stated, these are standard contractual clauses of the EU Commission in accordance with Imple­menting Decision (EU) 2021/914 of June 4, 2021. You can view a copy of these standard contractual clauses at Standard Contractual Clauses (SCC) - European Commission (

    In addition, before such a third country transfer, we will obtain your consent in accordance with GDPR, Art. 49 (1)(a) sentence 1, which you will give via the consent of the Consent Manager (or other forms, regis­tra­tions, etc.). We would like to point out that in the case of third country transfers, there may be risks for which the details are unknown (e.g., data processing by security authorities in the third country, the exact scope and conse­quences of which for you we do not know, over which we have no control, and of which you may not become aware).

    The specific storage period applicable to the processed data is determined Google Ireland Limited and is not within our control. Further information can be found in the Google Tag Manager privacy policy: https://market­ing­

    GoogleGoogle Doubleclick

    We have integrated Google DoubleClick components on our website. DoubleClick is a Google brand under which special online marketing solutions are primarily marketed to advertising agencies and publishers. DoubleClick by Google transfers data to the DoubleClick server with every impression as well as with clicks or other activities.

    Each of these data transfers triggers a cookie request to the data subject's browser. If the browser accepts this request, DoubleClick places a cookie in your browser.

    DoubleClick uses a cookie ID, which is required to process the technical procedure. The cookie ID is required, for example, to display an adver­tisement in a browser.

    DoubleClick can also use the cookie ID to record which adver­tise­ments have already been displayed in a browser to avoid duplication. The cookie ID also enables DoubleClick to record conversions. Conversions are recorded, for example, if a user has previously been shown a DoubleClick adver­tisement and subse­quently makes a purchase on the advertiser's website using the same Internet browser.

    A DoubleClick cookie does not contain any personal data but may contain additional campaign identifiers. A campaign identifier is used to identify the campaigns with which you have already been in contact on other websites. As part of this service, Google obtains knowledge of data that Google also uses to create commission statements. Among other things, Google can see that you have clicked on certain links on our website. In this case, your data will be passed on to the operator of DoubleClick, Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland. Further information and the applicable data protection provisions of DoubleClick by Google can be found at

    We process your data with the help of the DoubleClick cookie for the purpose of optimizing and displaying advertising based on your consent in accordance with GDPR, Art. 6 (1) (a). The cookie is used, among other things, to place and display user-rel­evant advertising and to create reports on advertising campaigns or to improve them. The cookie is also used to avoid multiple displays of the same adver­tisement. Each time you access one of the individual pages of our website on which a DoubleClick component has been integrated, your browser is automat­i­cally prompted by the relevant DoubleClick component to transmit data to Google for the purpose of online advertising and billing of fees. There is no legal or contractual obligation to provide your data. If you do not give us your consent, you can visit our website without restriction, but not all features may be fully available.

    We intend to transfer personal data to third countries outside the European Economic Area, partic­u­larly the USA. The data transfer to the USA is carried out in accordance with GDPR, Art. 45(1) based on the adequacy decision of the European Commission. The US companies involved and/or their US subcon­tractors are certified in accordance with the EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework (EU-U.S. DPF).

    In cases where no adequacy decision of the European Commission exists (including US companies that are not certified under the EU-U.S. DPF), we have agreed to other appropriate safeguards with the recipients of the data within the meaning of GDPR, Art. 44 et seq. Unless otherwise stated, these are standard contractual clauses of the EU Commission in accordance with Imple­menting Decision (EU) 2021/914 of June 4, 2021. You can view a copy of these standard contractual clauses at Standard Contractual Clauses (SCC) - European Commission (

    In addition, before such a third country transfer, we obtain your consent in accordance with GDPR, Art. 49 (1)(a) sentence 1, which you will give via the consent of the Consent Manager (or other forms, regis­tra­tions, etc.). We would like to point out that in the case of third country transfers, there may be risks for which the details are unknown (e.g., data processing by security authorities in the third country, the exact scope, and conse­quences of which for you we do not know, over which we have no control and of which you may not become aware).

    The specific storage period applicable to the processed data is determined Google Ireland Limited and is not within our control. Further information can be found in the Google DoubleClick privacy policy:

    GoogleGoogle Maps

    We use Google Maps to provide directions. Google Maps is a service provided by Google Ireland Limited, which displays a map on our website.

    When you access this content on our website, you establish a connection to the servers of Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland, whereby your IP address and possibly browser data, such as your user agent, are transmitted. This data is processed exclusively for the above-­men­tioned purposes and to ensure that Google Maps is secure and works properly.

    The use of Google Maps is based on your consent in accordance with GDPR, Art. 6 (1) (a).

    We intend to transfer personal data to third countries outside the European Economic Area, partic­u­larly the USA. The data is transferred to the USA in accordance with GDPR, Art. 45(1) based on the adequacy decision of the European Commission. The US companies involved and/or their US subcon­tractors are certified in accordance with the EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework (EU-U.S. DPF).

    In cases where no adequacy decision of the European Commission exists (including US companies that are not certified under the EU-U.S. DPF), we have agreed to other appropriate safeguards with the recipients of the data within the meaning of GDPR, Art. 44 et seq. Unless otherwise stated, these are standard contractual clauses of the EU Commission in accordance with Imple­menting Decision (EU) 2021/914 of June 4, 2021. You can view a copy of these standard contractual clauses at Standard Contractual Clauses (SCC) - European Commission (

    In addition, before such a third country transfer, we will obtain your consent in accordance with GDPR, Art. 49 (1)(a) sentence 1, which you give via the consent in the Consent Manager (or other forms, regis­tra­tions, etc.). We would like to point out that in the case of third country transfers, there may be risks for which the details are unknown (e.g., data processing by security authorities in the third country, the exact scope and conse­quences of which for you we do not know, over which we have no control, and of which you may not become aware).

    The specific storage period applicable to the processed data is determined Google Ireland Limited and is not within our control. Further information can be found in the Google Maps privacy policy:

    FacebookFacebook Plugin content

    We have integrated Facebook plugin components on our website. Facebook Plugin is a service by Meta Platforms Ireland Limited and offers us the opportunity to aggregate content from the social media platform and display it on our website.

    When you access this content, you establish a connection to the servers of Meta Platforms Ireland Limited, 4 Grand Canal Square, Grand Canal Harbour, Dublin 2, Ireland, whereby your IP address and possibly browser data, such as your user agent, are transmitted. This data is processed exclusively for the above-­men­tioned purposes and to maintain the security and function­ality of Facebook Plugin.

    If a user is registered with Meta Platforms Ireland Limited, Facebook Plugin can assign the content viewed to the profile.

    The Facebook plugin is used on the basis of your consent in accordance with GDPR, Art. 6 (1) (a).

    We intend to transfer personal data to third countries outside the European Economic Area, in particular the USA. The data transfer to the USA is carried out in accordance with Art. 45 para. 1 GDPR on the basis of the adequacy decision of the European Commission. The US companies involved and/or their US subcon­tractors are certified in accordance with the EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework (EU-U.S. DPF).

    In cases where no adequacy decision of the European Commission exists (including US companies that are not certified under the EU-U.S. DPF), we have agreed to other appropriate safeguards with the recipients of the data within the meaning of Art. 44 et seq. GDPR have been agreed. Unless otherwise stated, these are standard contractual clauses of the EU Commission in accordance with Imple­menting Decision (EU) 2021/914 of June 4, 2021. You can view a copy of these standard contractual clauses at Standard Contractual Clauses (SCC) - European Commission (

    In addition, before such a third country transfer, we obtain your consent in accordance with GDPR, Art. 49 (1)(a) sentence 1, which you will give via the consent in the Consent Manager (or other forms, regis­tra­tions, etc.). We would like to point out that in the case of third country transfers, there may be risks for which the details are unknown (e.g., data processing by security authorities in the third country, the exact scope and conse­quences of which for you we do not know, over which we have no influence, and of which you may not become aware).

    The specific storage period applicable to the processed data is determined by Meta Platforms Ireland Limited and is not within our control. Further information can be found in the Facebook Plugin privacy policy:

    LinkedInLinkedIn Ads

    We have integrated LinkedIn Ads on our website. LinkedIn Ads is a service provided by LinkedIn Corporation that displays targeted advertising to users. LinkedIn Ads uses cookies and other browser technologies to assess user behavior and recognize users. LinkedIn Ads collects information about visitor behavior on various websites. This information is used to optimize the relevance of advertising. Furthermore, LinkedIn Ads delivers targeted advertising based on behavioral profiles and geographic location. Your IP address and other identi­fi­cation features such as your user agent are transmitted to the provider. In this case, your data will be passed on to the operator of LinkedIn Ads, LinkedIn Corporation, Sunnyvale, California, US.

    Web tracking technologies are used to create pseudo­nymized user profiles. These profiles cannot be attributed to you as a natural person, but are used, for example, for segmen­tation when displaying adver­tise­ments.

    The use of LinkedIn Ads is based on your consent in accordance with GDPR, Art. 6 (1) (a).

    We intend to transfer personal data to third countries outside the European Economic Area, in particular the USA. The data is transferred to the USA in accordance with GDPR, Art. 45 on the basis of the adequacy decision of the European Commission. The US companies involved and/or their US subcon­tractors are certified in accordance with the EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework (EU-U.S. DPF).

    In cases where no adequacy decision of the European Commission exists (including US companies that are not certified under the EU-U.S. DPF), we have agreed to other appropriate safeguards with the recipients of the data within the meaning of GDPR, Art. 44 et seq. Unless otherwise stated, these are standard contractual clauses of the EU Commission in accordance with Imple­menting Decision (EU) 2021/914 of June 4, 2021. You can view a copy of these standard contractual clauses at Standard Contractual Clauses (SCC) - European Commission (

    In addition, before such a third country transfer, we will obtain your consent in accordance with GDPR, Art. 49 (1)(a) sentence 1, which you will give via the consent in the Consent Manager (or other forms, regis­tra­tions, etc.). We would like to point out that in the case of third country transfers, there may be risks for which the details are unknown (e.g., data processing by security authorities in the third country, the exact scope and conse­quences of which for you we do not know, over which we have no control, and of which you may not become aware).

    The specific storage period applicable to the processed data is determined by LinkedIn Corporation and is not within our control. Further information can be found in the LinkedIn Ads privacy policy:­cy-policy?trk=homepage-basic_footer-pri­va­cy-policy.


    We have integrated Hotjar on our website. Hotjar is a service of Hotjar Ltd. and offers optimization tools that analyze the behavior and feedback of users of our website through analysis and feedback tools.

    Hotjar uses cookies and other browser technologies to evaluate user behavior and recognize users.

    This information is used, among other things, to compile reports on website activity and to statis­ti­cally analyze visitor data. Furthermore, Hotjar records clicks, mouse movements, and scroll heights in order to create heat maps and session replays.

    In this case, your data will be forwarded to the operator of Hotjar, Hotjar Ltd, Hotjar Ltd, Level 2, St Julians Business Center 3 Elia Zammit Street St Julians STJ 3155 Malta.

    The use of Hotjar is based on your consent in accordance with Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a. GDPR.

    The specific storage period applicable to the processed data is determined by Hotjar Ltd and is not within our control. Further information can be found in the Hotjar privacy policy:

    MixpanelMixpanel Analytics

    We use Mixpanel Analytics from Mixpanel, Inc., San Francisco, California, US, to better understand and optimize the usage behavior relating to our online offering. Data such as the operating system of your device, the browser used, as well as inter­ac­tions with our online offering (events) are pseudo­nymized and collected. We can then assess this data in the Mixpanel Analytics dashboard and obtain information about the need for further optimization of certain areas of our online offering.

    The use of Mixpanel Analytics is based on your consent in accordance with GDPR, Art. 6 (1) (a).

    The specific storage period applicable to the processed data is determined by Mixpanel, Inc. and is not within our control. Further information can be found in the Mixpanel Analytics privacy policy:­cy-policy/.

    PiwikPiwik Pro

    We use open source software tool Matomo (formerly PIWIK) on our website. The software sets a cookie in your browser. If individual pages of our website are accessed, the following data is stored:

    • Two bytes of the IP address of the user's accessing system (anonymized IP address)
    • The website accessed
    • The website from which the user came to the website accessed (referrer)
    • The subpages that are accessed from the accessed website
    • The time spent on the website
    • The frequency with which the website is accessed

    We use a version of the software hosted by Piwik PRO Sp. z o.o., ul. Św. Antoniego 2/4, 50-073 Wrocław, Poland. This above-­men­tioned data is processed by Piwik PRO Sp. z o.o.

    We process your data with the help of the Piwik Pro analysis software for the purpose of assessing the use of individual components and contents of our website on the basis of your consent in accordance with GDPR, Art. 6 (1) (a)

    The specific storage period applicable to the processed data is determined by Piwik PRO Sp and is not within our control. z o.o.. Further information can be found in the Piwik PRO privacy policy:­cy-se­curity/.

    SalesforceCRM / Lightning

    We use Salesforce CRM from Salesforce, Inc., Seattle, WA. US, to manage our customer data, automate processes, analyze data and insights, and create person­alized customer experiences.

    The use of Salesforce is based on your consent in accordance with Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f. GDPR.

    The specific storage period applicable to the processed data is determined by Salesforce, Inc. and is not within our control. Further information can be found in the privacy policy for Salesforce: Privacy - Salesforce.

    Twitter / XTwitter / X Plugin

    We have integrated Twitter plugin components on our website. Twitter Plugin is a Twitter Inter­na­tional Unlimited Company service that offers us the opportunity to aggregate content from the social media platform and display it on our website.

    When you access this content, you establish a connection to the servers of Twitter Inter­na­tional Unlimited Company, One Cumberland Place, Fenian Street, Dublin 2, D02 AX07, Ireland, whereby your IP address and possibly browser data, such as your user agent, are transmitted. This data is processed exclusively for the purposes referred to above and to maintain the security and function­ality of the Twitter plugin.

    If a user is registered with Twitter Inter­na­tional Unlimited Company, Twitter Plugin can assign the content viewed to the profile.

    The use of Twitter Plugin is based on your consent in accordance with GDPR, Art. 6 (1) (a).

    The specific storage period applicable to the processed data is determined by Twitter Inter­na­tional Unlimited Company and is not within our control. Further information can be found in the Twitter Plugin privacy policy:


    Our website was created using the Unbounce website builder. Unbounce is a service of Unbounce Marketing Solutions Inc. and offers web development technology, web design and layout tools, domain hosting, and other appli­ca­tions for marketing and workflow management.

    Among other things, we use Unbounce for web hosting and to design the website's landing pages. In addition, Unbounce collects statistical data about visits to our website.

    The following data is usually transmitted: website accessed, date and time of access, amount of data transferred, notifi­cation of whether an access was successful, browser type and browser version, the user's operating system, the previously visited website (referrer), and the IP address.

    This log data is processed exclusively for the above-­men­tioned purposes and to maintain the security, function­ality, and optimization of the Unbounce website.

    The use of the service is based on our legitimate interests, i.e., interest in providing and optimizing our online offering securely and efficiently in accordance with GDPR, Art. 6 (1) (f).

    The specific storage period applicable to the processed data is determined by Unbounce Marketing Solutions Inc. and is not within our control. Further information can be found in Unbounce's privacy policy:


    We have integrated Vimeo Video on our website. Vimeo Video is a component of the Vimeo, LLC video platform onto which users can upload content, share it over the Internet, and receive detailed statistics.

    Vimeo Video enables us to integrate content from the platform into our website.

    Vimeo Video uses cookies and other browser technologies to evaluate user behavior, recognize users, and create user profiles. This information is used, among other things, to analyze user behavior related to the content watched, and to create reports.

    When you access this content, you establish a connection to the servers of Vimeo, LLC, 555 W 18th St, New York, New York 10011, whereby your IP address and possibly browser data, such as your user agent, are transmitted.

    The use of Vimeo Video is based on your consent in accordance with GDPR, Art. 6 (1) (a).

    We intend to transfer personal data to third countries outside the European Economic Area, in particular the USA. The data transfer to the USA is carried out in accordance with GDPR, Art. 45(1) on the basis of the adequacy decision of the European Commission. The US companies involved and/or their US subcon­tractors are certified in accordance with the EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework (EU-U.S. DPF).

    In cases where no adequacy decision of the European Commission exists (including US companies that are not certified under the EU-U.S. DPF), we have agreed to other appropriate safeguards with the recipients of the data within the meaning of GDPR,. Art. 44 et seq. Unless otherwise stated, these are standard contractual clauses of the EU Commission in accordance with Imple­menting Decision (EU) 2021/914 of June 4, 2021. You can view a copy of these standard contractual clauses at Standard Contractual Clauses (SCC) - European Commission (

    In addition, before such a third country transfer, we will obtain your consent in accordance with GDPR, Art. 49(1)(a) sentence 1, which you will give via the consent in the Consent Manager (or other forms, regis­tra­tions, etc.). We would like to point out that in the case of third country transfers, there may be risks for which the details are unknown (e.g., data processing by security authorities in the third country, the exact scope and conse­quences of which for you we do not know, over which we have no control and of which you may not become aware).

    The specific storage period applicable to the processed data is determined by Vimeo, LLC and is not within our control. Further information can be found in the Vimeo Video privacy policy:


    We have integrated YouTube Video on our website. YouTube Video is a component of the YouTube LLC video platform where users can upload content, share it over the Internet, and receive detailed statistics.

    YouTube Video enables us to integrate content from the platform into our website.

    YouTube Video uses cookies and other browser technologies to evaluate user behavior, recognize users, and create user profiles. This information is used, among other things, to analyze user behavior related to the content watched, and to create reports. If a user is registered with YouTube, LLC, YouTube Video can assign the videos played to the profile.

    When you access this content, you establish a connection to the servers of YouTube, LLC, Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street Dublin 4 Ireland, whereby your IP address and possibly browser data, such as your user agent, are transmitted.

    The use of the service is based on your consent in accordance with GDPR, Art. 6 (1) (a)

    We intend to transfer personal data to third countries outside the European Economic Area, in particular the USA. The data transfer to the USA is carried out in accordance with GDPR, Art. 45(1) based on the adequacy decision of the European Commission. The US companies involved and/or their US subcon­tractors are certified in accordance with the EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework (EU-U.S. DPF).

    In cases where no adequacy decision of the European Commission exists (including US companies that are not certified under the EU-U.S. DPF), we have agreed to other appropriate safeguards with the recipients of the data within the meaning of GDPR,. Art. 44 et seq. Unless otherwise stated, these are standard contractual clauses of the EU Commission in accordance with Imple­menting Decision (EU) 2021/914 of June 4, 2021. You can view a copy of these standard contractual clauses at Standard Contractual Clauses (SCC) - European Commission (

    In addition, before such a third country transfer, we will obtain your consent in accordance with GDPR, Art. 49(1)(a) sentence 1, which you will give via the consent in the Consent Manager (or other forms, regis­tra­tions, etc.). We would like to point out that in the case of third country transfers, there may be risks for which the details are unknown (e.g., data processing by security authorities in the third country, the exact scope and conse­quences of which for you we do not know, over which we have no control and of which you may not become aware).

    The specific storage period applicable to the processed data is determined by YouTube, LLC and is not within our control. Further information can be found in the YouTube Video privacy policy:

    WebfleetContact Form

    You may contact us through the form provided on our website. The information collected via mandatory fields is required to process the request. You can also voluntarily provide additional information that you believe is necessary to process the contact request.

    When using the contact form, your personal data will not be passed on to third parties.

    The processing of your data by using our contact form is carried out for the purpose of commu­ni­cation and processing your request based on your consent in accordance with GDPR, Art. 6 (1) (a). Insofar as your request relates to an existing contractual relationship with us, the processing is carried out for the purpose of performing the contract based on GDPR, Art. 6 (1) (b). There is no legal or contractual obligation to provide your data, but it is not possible to process your request without providing the information in the mandatory fields. If you do not wish to provide this data, please contact us by other means.

    If you consent to using the contact form, we will store the data collected for each request for a period of three years, starting with the completion of your request, or until you withdraw your consent.

    If you use the contact form as part of a contractual relationship, we will store the data collected for each inquiry for a period of three years from the end of the contractual relationship.


    If you register on our website to receive our newsletter, we will collect your email address [and name, etc.] and store this information together with the date of regis­tration and your IP address. You will then receive an email in which you must confirm your regis­tration for the newsletter (double opt-in). If you do not confirm your regis­tration within 48 hours, it will automat­i­cally expire, and the data will not be processed for sending the newsletter.

    The newsletter is normally sent directly by us. Your data will not be passed on to third parties or processors within the meaning of GDPR, Art. 28.

    If we use a service provider to send the newsletter, the provider will process your personal data on our behalf in accordance with GDPR, Art. 28. Your data will not be passed on to third parties.

    We will process your data for the purpose of sending the newsletter based on your consent in accordance with GDPR, Art. 6 (1) (a). By unsub­scribing from the newsletter, you can withdraw your consent at any time with effect for the future in accordance with GDPR, Art. 7 (3). There is no legal or contractual obligation to provide your data, but it is not possible to send the newsletter without providing your data.

    After registering for the newsletter, we store the data for a maximum of 48 hours until the regis­tration is confirmed. After successful confir­mation, we will store your data until you withdraw your consent (unsubscribe from the newsletter) and for technical reasons for a maximum of seven days.

    WebfleetApplicant Form

    We collect and process the personal data of applicants. Corre­sponding data processing may also be carried out electron­i­cally, for example when applicants send us application documents by email or via a web form on our website. You may apply for advertised job postings through our website.

    Your data will also only be stored in an applicant database beyond the relevant application process if you have given us your separate consent to do so.

    The processing of your data in connection with your application is carried out for the purpose of processing your application and deciding on the estab­lishment of an employment relationship on the basis of Section 26 of the German Federal Data Protection Act. If your application documents are forwarded to third parties, in particular to companies affiliated with us, and if your data is stored beyond the current application process, your data will be processed on the basis of GDPR, Art. 6 (1)(a) sentence 1 There is no legal or contractual obligation to provide your data, but it is not possible to process your application without providing the information.

    We store the data collected for a period of six months from the date the position is filled. If you have consented to storage in our applicant database, we will store your application documents for two years.

Your consent is required

In this section, external content is being embedded from .

To display the content, your consent is required for the following cookie categories:

  • Targeted Advertising
  • Analytics & Person­al­ization
  • Essential

For further details, please refer to our privacy policy. If you are interested in how ###vendor_name### processes your data, please visit their privacy policy.